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From Bitcoin To Beetcoin

September 14 3 min read


From Bitcoin To Beetcoin

I don’t know what a bitcoin is. I know how bitcoin is described in the media, that it is called a crypto-currency, that the Japanese programmer who created it is shrouded in secrecy, that it has been used by drug dealers, that venture capitalists are pouring billions of dollars into “mining” it.

Woody Tasch

Woody Tasch

Founder, Slow Money Institute

A Conversation With Dr. Daphne Miller

August 21 10 min read


A Conversation With Dr. Daphne Miller

Daphne Miller, MD, (Brown University; Harvard Medical School), is a practicing family physician, author, and associate clinical professor at the University of California San Francisco. For the past 15 years, her leadership, advocacy, and writing have focused on aligning all aspects of food production and agriculture with human health. Daphne is the author of two<a href="">Continue reading <span class="sr-only">"A Conversation With Dr. Daphne Miller"</span></a>

Woody Tasch

Woody Tasch

Founder, Slow Money Institute

How a Zero-Percent Loan is Helping This Colorado Farm

July 11 4 min read


How a Zero-Percent Loan is Helping This Colorado Farm

Zephyros Farm and Garden has always sought diversity and quality in its organic production. When Daphne and I started this farm 13 years ago, like many young couples starting out, we wanted it all; every vegetable under the sun, flowers, sheep, goats, chickens, turkeys, children, worms, compost, and a life for ourselves. After many years<a href="">Continue reading <span class="sr-only">"How a Zero-Percent Loan is Helping This Colorado Farm"</span></a>

Don Lareau

Don Lareau

Co-Owner and Operator, Zephyros Farm

My Agricultural Grandparents

June 20 10 min read


My Agricultural Grandparents

It is not uncommon for farmers to talk about the influence their grandparents had on their farming education and their eventual success in agriculture. I am no different. But my story comes with a unique twist. My paternal grandfather, Leander Walter Townsend Coleman, was born in 1868 but was not a farmer. Unfortunately for my<a href="">Continue reading <span class="sr-only">"My Agricultural Grandparents"</span></a>

Eliot Coleman

Eliot Coleman

Farmer and author

Real Billions and Real Trillions

June 20 8 min read


Real Billions and Real Trillions

While I was searching for images of life in the soil, I came upon the following on Sweet Bay Farm’s website (see above). They’re working to restore soils depleted by decades of monoculture—the continual cultivation of a single crop, in this case tobacco—so this picture of several earthworm tunnels in a clod does not yet<a href="">Continue reading <span class="sr-only">"Real Billions and Real Trillions"</span></a>

Woody Tasch

Woody Tasch

Founder, Slow Money Institute

A Conversation With Jeff Moyer

June 19 3 min read


A Conversation With Jeff Moyer

Woody Tasch: Jeff, before we begin, I want to thank you for the images of the jars of water, one with soil rich in organic matter and one with the dissolved murkiness of soil that is deficient in carbon. Ever since you showed those images during a public talk a decade or so ago, the<a href="">Continue reading <span class="sr-only">"A Conversation With Jeff Moyer"</span></a>

Woody Tasch

Woody Tasch

Founder, Slow Money Institute